Séoul - Newspaper

Jules Tomi
Séoul is the eighth issue and the third one with a guest photographer.
Jules is a young and talented photographer from Montreal. We met and exposed together at the Street Photo Vol.2 by Studio argentique in 2018.
Few words from Jules:
"Shot over the course of two trips and four months, "Séoul C'est Loin" is a serie that offers a visual ethnography of South Korea's conflicted modernity through portraits, ''glimpsed at'' moments and pictures of ''still life''. Standing at the intersection of ethnographic research, journalism and narration, the series aims to trigger reflections on contemporary Korea. Half of the pictures in this newspaper have been previously exhibited as part of the series, while the remaining half are unpublished outtakes."
All the shots have been made with an Olympus 35sp and a Fujifilm Klasse S on Kodak Portra 400.
– type: Newspaper
– format: 12 pages – 350mm x 500mm
– Printed in England
– Edition of 50 (all hand-numbered)
Jules Tomi lives in Montréal. His photographies have been published in several magazines and newspapers including Vice, VOIR, Huffington Post and Ricochet. His project Séoul C’est Loin led to two solo exhibitions, in 2017 and 2018.